Image credit: Charlotte Elizabeth Design

Image credit: Charlotte Elizabeth Design

Lighting Design

A complex and ever evolving area of design, interior lighting is not only a necessity but also a medium that can be used to enhance and elevate a space.

Lighting can be used as a visual tool to change the feel and proportions of a space. It can create a relaxed, elegant atmosphere for evening entertaining and provide effective task lighting where it is needed.

Beautiful lamps or wall lights can provide a soft, warm light and form a key part of the decorative scheme. Whilst a framing projector can be used to seamlessly light a painting or create a focal point from a special work of art.

The myriad choice fittings can be overwhelming and a cause of great anxiety for people undertaking design projects.

A well designed lighting plan can transform a space and reduce tradesmen’s costs.

Contact us to discuss your specific lighting requirements.